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SDG #3

Good Health and Well-being

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.

2022 State of STI Perception in the Philippines

The nutshell graph illustrates the mean perception of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among different ages, separated by their highest educational attainment, based on data from the 2022 Philippines National Demographic and Health Survey.

The y-axis represents the perception level means (ranging from 0.45 to 0.74), while the x-axis represents the ages (ranging from 15 to 50). The lines are color-coded to indicate the educational levels: blue for primary, red for secondary, and green for higher education.

Those aged 15 years old with solely a primary level education possess the lowest perception mean at 0.4538. Meanwhile, those aged 19 years old with a college-level education possess the highest at 0.7353. The data suggests a correlation between educational attainment and STI awareness, with higher education leading to greater awareness. This highlights the vital role of education in enhancing STI awareness.

Project by

Gaussian Gang

M.E. Guiao

S. Odhuno

A.G. Purisima


🌱 WFV Spring

Poverty Incidence vs. Birth Rate in the Philippines

The nutshell consists of three main plots, from left to right: (1) Poverty Incidence, (2) Birth Rate, and (3) Poverty Incidence vs. Birth Rate. We use color spectra to geospatially map values across different regions.

For instance, in the first graph, purple would indicate a low poverty incidence (less than 10%) while green would indicate high poverty incidence (around 60%). For the second graph, purple would indicate a low birth rate (around 0%) and yellow would indicate a high birth rate (around 1.7%).

For the third, main graph: we combine the extremes of the values found within the first two graphs. This leads us to determine four colors at each corner of the colormap. There's blue which corresponds to low poverty incidence and low birth rate; purple which signifies low poverty incidence and high birth rate; green which shows high poverty incidence; and yellow which shows high poverty incidence and high birth rate.

Project by


A.U. Manguan

J.E. Mejilla

J.E. Tomanan


🌱 WFV Spring

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